No joke - my dreams were so visual last night. I saw where my Mista friend lived in Canada, - it was a cool log cabin built into rocks with a back porch that not only butted into a cool, dark, swollen ocean, but the ocean came onto the porch. I remember thinking how pretty it looked, but how cold it would be to stand ankle deep in the cold ocean. And their bedroom was outside, a king size bed, with a 4-poster canopy around it to keep them warm at night, because as my friend said, it did get cold. !?!
The next section of my dream was all about cupcakes. My grandfather was carrying a cookie sheet of bright vanilla and dark chocolate cupcakes to the car, and they looked so good. Then, in my real life this afternoon, in StyleHive again, I saw an exact picture of them! Here they are from The Cupcake Royal Website, talking about how cupcakes are all the rage for weddings:
Do they overnight??