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Short Shorts, Lasered Legs, American Eagle

american eagle short shortsThe laser hair removal is working. For the Memorial Weekend Road Trip, I wore my new "Jack Hanna" (as David calls them) short shorts from American Eagle. When was the last time I had the confidence to wear such shorts? Maybe in 8th grade. Ok, sometimes in college, but I had to be very tan.

In the car, especially in shorts, let's just say you need a smooth shave with no razor bumps to look good. I have skinny legs, with muscle I might add, but rarely over the years have they seen the sunshine because I've been so lacking good-leg confidence. Hence the laser hair removal. So in a car, you do a lot of looking around, and I studied the hair follicle of my thigh, because that is what has been getting lasered. I'm pretty sure what I saw were empty follicles. Like, no black shadow under the skin where the hair follicle is just waiting to grow its prickly growth.

Enter American Eagle, where all of the girls look 13, and I'm about turn 30. Loving American Eagle right now, and their short shorts and cottony Ts. They've got good Clearance, but it's all still affordable. So good, in fact, that I was on this morning to buy a sand colored striped skinny hoody, and by the time I went to buy it as I typed this post, it was gone!

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