I used to like Oliver, and was going to post a cute picture of him digging out fresh kitty litter from the Arm and Hammer box, but then he turned into a monster. First it was the polkadot tulle...(see those claws???)
And now it's my irreplaceable yard of embroidered silk that matches perfectly with my wall. This is way worse than his little scratches on David's leather couch. This was the last yard - interruption: David has insisted I include that his couch is (was) worth $3000 - this was the last yard of this embroidered silk and it was my first curtain and I was just admiring how little pieces of the flowers were pale pumpkin orange, the same pale pumpkin orange that is the walls of my sewing room.
Ripped. Slashed. Broken.
Here's the stupid picture of Oliver digging out fresh kitty litter. I post this with a pout.
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