May I present, the wedding website.
It's more of a Blogger tweaked blog website. It was the cheapest way I could do it without going to some template at the Knot or something. It's inspired by Maine's sea lavender which always grows outside of my favorite boutique in Damariscotta, Weatherbird. The lovely font is called Dearest and I found it on
Now, I know, I know. There is a shadow on my face. To be honest, I really never noticed it until the very end, and by then, this was the best picture of us together. I guess that means we need to take more pictures!! As for the registry, we haven't started it yet! Eek! My mom is addressing the save the date cards right now, and they direct everyone to the website, so we'd better hop to it and do some shopping.
As for all Mistas coming, we can only have 150 people! So the activity of building the list has been very hard. We may need to have two weddings. I'm already having two bachelorette parties! One in Chicago and one in New York. So fancy, I know. Everyone is from out of town, so it's hard to bring everyone together, let alone get to Maine. But feel free to visit our registry. Kidding. ;) Haha. Although, wouldn't it be fun to have a virtual shower? Hmm... I guess we could have a Comment Fest in the Comments...