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Meet the Havanese aka Ewokian Puppy Dogs in Pictures

Puppies!! These are Ewokian puppies, or a mix between Havanese and Pomeranian. Hypo-allergenic. Scroll down to see Granny Rose rolling the puppies around in their pram!

NOTE: As of September 2007, these puppies have all found wonderful homes in the neighborhood. I encourage you to continue seeking out puppy mixes, as you can see, they are just as good as full breeds!
baby ewokian gerdy feet

This is Baby Kumba. Maybe the most mellow dog in the litter. Kumba is currently smaller than both of my mom's cats, but the same color as one of them, named Stinky.
kumba hand

On the back far right, with those black eyes, I think, is Baby Gina. As Rose says, she is so feminine, so delicate, that she is never in the mix to be picked up or making trouble. She just doesn't make herself obvious. Just perfectly sits sweetly all the time.

havanese ewokian puppy picture lying down cage

Here is Gina chewing on a sparkly FashionMista. So girly of her. So now I know that FashionMistas are not only cat toys, but puppy toys as well!
gina chewing fashionmista

Ok. My first love of this litter was the guy to the left of Baby Gerdy. His name is Huck Fin because he slept on his back at all times, and was very much his own, relaxed guy on his own journey. He's the one with the white stripe down his chest, looking into the camera, like, "Let me out now so that I can strut around." Here's a picture of what he looked like at 1 week old, in my hand.
havanese ewokian puppy picture sitting up cage

Escape artists. All of them. That's Huck Fin on the left, Baby Gerdy on the right, and maybe Baby Gina in the middle.
havanese ewokian puppy picture standing up cage

Baby Gerdy, practicing being a Big Girl under the table. She's a quick learner.
baby gerdy under table

That's Dinah Bear watching Baby Gerdy from my desk. See how Baby Gerdy's tail is up? All of the puppies tails are up and wag like helicopters.
dinah watching ewokian puppy

Baby Gerdy hoping that one day Gerdy will acknowledge her. But Gerdy is in her sacred spot in front of the couch, and not even me or David can disturb her without an offering of our dinner.
baby gerdy wants big gerdy

Sweet Gerdy. Surrounded by 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 6 puppies.
gerdy not amused

Baby Kumba and my feet.
cutest ewokian puppy kumba at my feet

Oliver watching for if a puppy came out of the pen. Actually, he looks like he is taking a nap.
oliver watching ewokian puppies

Baby Kumba on top of my shoes. Not just chewing on my shoes, but is as long as my shoes. I'm a 9.
puppy kumba chewing shoes

OMG. Pretty much they all look like this, but again, it's Baby Kumba under the table.
kumba under table

More practice of hanging with the Big Girls.
baby gerdy under table

Rose and her pram, with Baby Gerdy standing and giving directions. I know she's in all of the pictures, but 1. she photographs the best b/c she's not pitch black, and 2. she's the leader of the pack. So she's always there.
rose's pram with ewokian puppies

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