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The Importance of Passion

Over at Ladies Who Launch's blog, this is the question of the week: "Have you launched something related to your passion? Do you think this is important?" Here's my answer, plus a little more for the Mistas:

I have spent the past five years searching for my passion. I moved to New York to pursue one of five careers: publishing, advertising, film, writing, and one I can't remember anymore. However, while debating a career in television programming as a temp in the research department of the Food Network, I decided to take a class in fashion design at FIT, and promptly fell in love.

However, following my passions has led me to some seriously wrong jobs. To pursue graphic design, I took a job in a blue printing company and ended up selling an online blueprint system. To pursue a career in publishing (and to become a writer), I took a highly coveted job as an editorial assistant at a major publishing house, and quit after surviving a crazy boss and realized that I didn't want to be an editor. To pursue a job in film (to write scripts), I took a job as a production assistant on Law and Order and learned that I was a construction worker, not an architect, and that the hours prevented me from having a life at home with my dog.

That said, while debating a career in television programming (and contemplating writing a book called Confessions of a Careeraholic) as a temp in the research department of the Food Network, I decided to take a class in fashion design at FIT, and promptly fell in love. I never thought I'd be making and selling accessories, but that's where the venture has taken me.

You've got to tap into your passion - really tap into it and accept it. And accept that it changes. After getting this question to write about, I searched around my brain to pinpoint my passion(s), because it's not like I think about them everyday. So far, the list includes: lines, color, space (like the space between two objects), light, nature, love, my family, my dog and kitty, helping people, expressing, glitter and money. David's passions are: "Work, YOU...I AM VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT YOU, Ohio State football, my family, and to be honest, I am passionate about being a good person."

By accepting and believing in my passions, no matter how simple or complex, I've allowed them to root themselves around my heart. At the same time, I have to let some ideas go if they aren't working out in order to make room for new ideas. Take Elle Woods from Legally Blond I. She follows her passion (marrying the "right," rich guy with a convertible), which takes her to Harvard "to be a law student" to get him back after he dumps her (of which she works very hard to get in), where she discovers that her passion for doing the right thing, helping people, and promoting pink at all times, reveals that she is quite good at being a lawyer. And best of all, it makes her happy and satisfied. Her passion switches from a guy (who is icky) to law.

In the words of Elle, the following can bring you happiness and success: "Passion, courage of conviction, and a strong sense of self."

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