But it hit me, that it's not my computer, it's my inbox! I get tons of goodies in there sometimes! It's like opening a stocking at Christmas! The longer I'm away, the more buildup there is for potential opportunities, sales, cute new things, old friends saying hi, and random new friends dropping a line. I mean, just last weekend, I rolled out of bed, fed the animals, watered the plants, and opened my computer to check my email (no one would email at 8:30am, but I like to check), and sure enough, another Katie James from NC bought a sunset pink checkbook cover. Well I'll be! That's the 3rd Katie James this month! The first two are in England.
I mean, there's a whole silent world out there that David really doesn't know about, even though he claims to "live the blog," he doesn't get the visuals of products that fly into my inbox like the spoon necklace, the hot new online jewelry boutique, possible names for new businesses from new friends, even fashion model opportunities! This doesn't include my fare share of wacko stuff, like people-to-people lending of money, weird people wanting to advertise on this blog, off the wall comments that I delete, and constant Google Alerts for Katie James that I've set up that are usually (and imprecisely) for Katie Holmes and Katie Couric, with a few exceptions of new mentions of Katie James out there on the web.
So today, while walking back from Starbucks with Gerdy, David announced that he thinks I should get the satellite internet, when you're connected ALL THE TIME and don't need stupid cable companies. I have to say, I agree.
Now, let's get to the good stuff...
Shopping From My Inbox
This girl's got a great story. She went from underwriting commercial loans, to turning her hobby/outlet into an awesome, kick ass necklace company. How does she get that candy-like appearance? She uses a wide variety of materials in her spoons - old bits of jewelry, guitar picks & strings, buttons, beads, candy, wristwatch parts, original drawings, photographs, miniatures, and/or/etc. - then she seals it with her own special mix of clear and durable resin-like material to create her beautiful 3-D collages. A lot of these spoons are sold out! So get there quick!
Peggy Li
Golden Ear Thread Earrings
Star Necklace, because we all need some stars
Triple Gold Neckace (pretty, I think! am loving the circles right now...very sexy)
This line is unique, hand-made and feminine. Peggy emailed me to say that her line has been on the new series, which I like, "What About Brian," my favorite and now canceled show, "Related," and in Lucky.
good morning, morning!
Floral Lattice Organizer (Pink Cover)
Scalloped Bags
I somehow found this line and emailed it to myself. Love their name!
Inside Avenue
Oh man, I love everything on this site. It deserves its own post, but for now, will live in this Shopping From My Inbox as I browse stores...I was quite happy to be contacted about this store...
Sicilian Mirror
Virginian Mirror
Contemporary Rug
Contemporary Rug
Arcadia Chandelier
PS: if you buy anything at Inside Avenue, kindly look to the right in the side bar, and you’ll see a largish ad for them. Click on it, and then buy. I’ll get a tiny commission!
Ok, I must stop browsing and make lasagnia!!! Until the next one (still not done sifting through my inbox)...
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